

May 20, 2024 | There are a number of benefits to utilizing engineering and quality services, from enhancing the efficiency of fastener concepts all the way through to the final product and ensuring the products meet desired quality and engineered requirements for the assembly line. Experts Graeme Bassett (VP, APAC), Greg Babinec (Applications Engineer, US), Jonathan Christopher (Quality Director, UK) and Stuart Katz (Marketing Director, US) compiled five key reasons why manufacturers should utilize engineering and quality services.

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5 月 20th, 2024|


2024 年 5 月 10 日 | 傳奇蓮花賽車工程師科林·查普曼 (Colin Chapman) 提出了一種理念,推動他的一級方程式賽車多次獲得冠軍:“簡化並增加輕盈度。”電動車製造商面臨類似的挑戰:增加重量並簡化依賴不同材料組合的複雜車輛的製造過程。

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