How High-Quality Fasteners Can Improve Manufacturing Costs
Standard and custom-engineered parts attain high-quality marks for a few different reasons. They’re composed of excellent materials, they’re reliably made by trustworthy manufacturers, or they’re customised to a T with a low failure probability.
By themselves, any one of these attributes can significantly decrease manufacturing costs. However, if you leave any of them to chance, your spending can become more exorbitant than you ever imagined.
What Poor Part Quality Really Costs You
Part quality is integral to the manufacturing process. Taking it for granted can come at the expense of your workflow.
What risks are run by the 60% that don’t treat product quality with care?

Damaged input:
Have you worked with poorly finished fasteners? What about ones that are too hard or have unfinished threading or misshapen edges that aren’t exactly specified for the equipment they’re meant to flow through? Introducing misaligned parts with delicate equipment can be a short-term disruption with long-term consequences, such as…

Damaged machines:
Parts have to run through manufacturing machinery. When low-quality products come into contact with your equipment, they can set back production timelines indefinitely. That lost time costs money (and other things), as well as…

Damaged reputations:
What happens when manufacturers don’t deliver what they promised when they promised? It creates a discerned and disappointed public. For example, a malfunctioning front seat belt steel cable caused Volvo to recall more than 2 million cars. The incident dinged the distributor’s worldwide profile and probably negatively impacted sales projections.
Consistently investing in high-quality parts can avoid these manufacturing problem areas. Your end product improves,
your output becomes more consistent, and you become a more profitable and credible OEM that buyers can trust. If you’d like more insight into optimising your product quality, speak to one of our experts.